Packing mistakes – Case #062

January 25, 2013


“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Practical solutions to problems encountered in the manufacturing process that demonstrate how we assist our customers’ factories to produce Right from the Start TM.

Problem: wrong master carton assortment.

Impactiva solution: we got the factory to deploy one artisan to check 100% of the master carton that presented the problem. We developed a chop for each artisan responsible of checking the packing of master cartons; so that each artisan takes ownership of his/her job. Impactiva started performing random inspections of packed master cartons every 1 ½  hours and if a single error was found the whole lot was sent to be 100% checked. A record of all the times a 100% check was needed was kept in order to determine over a period of time if the mistakes come repeatedly from the same artisans.

Stay tuned for more Impactiva technical solutions to every day production problems.