Improper storage of cartons – Case #104

July 1, 2013


“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Practical solutions to problems encountered in the manufacturing process that demonstrate how we assist our customers’ factories to produce Right from the Start TM.

Problem: improper handling of master cartons: they were piled up on the bare floor and in contact with the walls of the warehouse. This is risky because they can absorb moisture from the floor and walls which can result in mold formation on shoes during the shipment.


Impactiva solution: we got factory to cover the floor of the warehouse with plastic sheets in the areas where the master cartons are kept, and to maintain a gap of 1 ft between the walls and the master cartons. Impactiva also discussed with the factory management the possibility of buying more pallets and suggested to fix wooden blocks near the wall in order to maintain a proper gap between the walls and cartons. The factory has agreed and confirmed they are going to implement these suggestions.

Stay tuned for more Impactiva technical solutions to every day production problems.